Everything we did can be found at Confessions of a Homeschooler and Homeschool Creations. ♥ these blogs!!
Here is Braxton making the letter C with his mosaic peg board.
His Caterpillar minibook :)
I loved this craft. I cut out all the pieces for him and he constructed the milkweed plant & caterpillars. I tried getting him to follow a pattern (white, black, yellow, white, black, yellow) but he had no interest. Oh well! Still very cute!
Every week we do an alphabet craft from Homeschool Creations. This week it was a crab. Again, I cut out all the pieces and he put them together. (We're working on scissor skills...we've got LOTS of work to do there...) I tried getting him to use smaller googly eyes but he insisted on the big ones. :)
Caterpillar lacing card
Hungry Caterpillar
He also practiced tracing the letter C and we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. We've also got a little caterpillar grandma caught for us (honestly I think it is a silk worm since it's in a cocoon not a chrysalis) so we're waiting for the butterfly (ahem, moth) to come out.
Braxton really seems to be learning the letters this time and I am so glad! Anywhere we go he wants to point out the letters he sees. He writes the letter A (by memory) all the time (he says that is his favorite letter) and he really wants to learn how to write his name. Everyone seems to be noticing how much he is learning and it really makes me happy since I've had SO much negative comments about my decision to homeschool.
Next theme: DINOSAURS (he's going to LOVE it!)