Here he was instructed to only color the photos that were the same. I did not help one bit.
He was told to color the ladybugs red, the bees yellow & the flies black. Then he practiced horizontal and vertical lines and loops.
Tuesday Day 2:
Bible: Story of creation
Storybook: Read the story of Jack and Jill, and "Uncle Wiggily and Stubby Toes"
Science: Berenstain Bears Big Book of Science and Nature: Read about Winter
Language Arts: went over the days of the week and did 3 work sheets from handwriting without tears
Day 3:
We did 3 sheets like this. He already knows most of his shapes but he did learn "crescent" and "oval" today. We did colors Green, Yellow and Red. This was from his handwriting without tears book.
Wednesday Day 3:
Bible: Story of Adam & Eve & Memory Verse
Storybook: Story of Simple Simon, The Little Sparrow (GREAT story!!)
Science: Read about snow from The Berenstain Bears' Big Book of Science and Nature (ironic since we just got a ton of snow!)
Language Arts: Copywork activity (write name again), went over the months of the year
LA activity: I would put two things in front of Braxton (example: a fork and a cup) and would ask him which one started with the letter F. We did 3 rounds and he got all 3 correct!
Braxton really enjoys hands on activities, and sonlight is not very hands on. I think I will start looking for a craft or something that goes with each weeks lesson(s) and maybe do some fun hands on stuff every Friday. He is happiest when he is working on stuff in his workbooks.
Check back tomorrow or Friday to see more!