(Once again I apologize for the quality of these photos.)

Day 4:
Bible: Story of how Adam and Eve are tempted/memory verse
Storybook: "There was a Little Girl" short story
Readiness Skills: 2 pages from workbook
Science: Berenstain bears big book of science & nature- just a few pages about what happens when it snows
Language Arts: Copywork 3, Learned Days in months (Thirty days hath sept, etc), attempted "Finish the story" (I start a story and let him finish it however he wants..he wasn't interested in participating though.)
Handwriting: 3 pages out of Handwriting Without Tears
Tomorrow is technically our last "Sonlight" day for this week, but Braxton loves school so much he asks to do it on the weekend so I have a few things planned for Sat/Sun if he asks! I'm excited! This has been a great week so far.
Keep checking in for more on how we're doing!
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